Our Deadly Choices team organized a camp at Mungalli Falls for youth aged indigenous children to participate in, to learn Team building skills, Leadership Skills, social skills in an active and fun way. Students came from Innisfail State College and Ravenshoe State High school
We started the day off with a meet and greet and welcome to Country by Aunty Joann Schmider, She spoke of the country and ancestral roots in regards to Mungalli and the Palmerston areas, the children were grateful for the knowledge and we were all excited to know the history of our surroundings and Mamu People.
We then started of with abseiling and some of the students faced their fear of heights. We continued to explain how important it was to encourage your friends in achieving goals and conquering fears supporting, supporting others in a time of need is a great leadership skill to have.
We then organised the 17 students into 3 Groups for Leadership activities. They had to come up with an activity for youth and explain how, why and where the activity would take place they also had to name the activity. This activity was to undergo team building and brainstorming also giving us insight of how what our youth would like to be involved in.
- Spear fishing
- Fishing
- Diving
- Out on Boats
- Mow lawns for extra funding
The ladies and Kaleb’s group came up with an Evening of Baking
Where – Chjoawai Hall
Doing – Baking with Aunts, Mothers and Grandmothers
How- Every second fortnight everyone contribute 5 dollars to help toward ingredients
Why- to create a bond sand learn new techniques.
The 3rd Group came up with a Naidoc Culture Camp, During Naidoc Week consisting of traditional arts games and activities. Learning how to connect back to culture.
We finished off the day with a game of footy which all the kids played and then marsh mallows around the camp fire.
Sunday the 21st consisted in a lot of Team building activities like Archery we had a scoring system and Girls vs boys and the girls won it thanks to Mariam Chapman from Mount Garnett hitting a Bulls Eye on the nail biting last round.
Our last activities were the Landslide and obstacle course.
The landslide needed everyone’s help to carry buckets of water from the bottom waterhole to drizzle over it to make it slippery for everyone to slide everyone worked well to make this happen. We had our fastest boy Gary Bong and fastest Girl Ramona Ramsey down the slide
The obstacle course was a fun challenge for the students learning how to appoint a leader and work together was stressful but positive team work helped them achieve their goal.
All Students then sat down for a presentation as we each said something good about each student and what was the best characteristic we had seen come about the entire camp every single student was so encouraging and supportive and could not wait for the next camp.