

Interested in working at Mamu Health Service Limited?

Mamu Health Service Limited is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation providing culturally appropriate and comprehensive primary health care programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities in the Innisfail and surrounding areas.

Mamu Health Service Limited currently employs over 90 staff, with 80% of them being Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders.

We have Primary Health Care Clinics in Innisfail, Tully, Babinda and Ravenshoe as well as our Mums & Bubs Clinic in Innisfail.

Please submit all Expression of Interest to Julie @
OR, Apply for a current OPEN position below

Employment Opportunities

No Current Vacancies

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Our Vision

The elimination of disparities in Health and Wellbeing experienced by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people.

Our Values

In every way, we will demonstrate reliability, empathy, respect for each other and
responsiveness and transparency in our service.
